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The Full Story


Shyamala is a seasoned conversational AI expert. Having led initiatives across connected home, automotive, and wearables - to name a few, she's put her work into research into usability, accessibility, speech recognition, and multimodal voice user interfaces. She has even been published internationally across publications and media. Outside of her research, she's spent the last 18 years designing mobile, web, desktop, and smart TV interfaces and has most recently joined NVIDIA to own their roadmap for voice and chat into the future.


Shyamala has been published and featured in major media like Forbes, Automotive World, TU Automotive, This week in voice, Speech Tech Magazine, Weave Magazine and Healthy Code Magazine.

Automotive world interviewed me for their magazine to speak about Digital Assistants and the need to have a personality. 


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I was published in Automotive world articles on multiple occasions for my work with Digital Assistants (Conversational AI assistants) in the car

I was published in Automotive world articles on multiple occasions for my work with Digital Assistants (Conversational AI assistants) in the car


I was published in Automotive world articles on multiple occasions for my work with Digital Assistants (Conversational AI assistants) in the car

I was published in Speech Technology Magazine for my work on interoperability of Digital Assistants (Conversational AI assistants) 

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My interview was published in TU Automotive articles on multiple occasions for my work with Digital Assistants (Conversational AI assistants) in the car

My interview was published in TU Automotive articles on multiple occasions for my work with Digital Assistants (Conversational AI assistants) in the car


My interview was published in Healthy Code Magazine for my early work with Mobile Application Design

My Interview was published in Weave Magazine for my work with Digital Assistants (Conversational AI assistants)


My interview was published in Automotive world articles for my work with Digital Assistants (Conversational AI assistants) in the car

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